TUCSON — Southern Arizonans using MAP Dashboard’s data to improve their communities can enter the “Community Action Figure Awards Contest” and have a chance to win one of four $2,500 prizes. The MAP — Making Action Possible — Dashboard was...
Tourism is a key part of the Tucson economy. One dimension of that industry is activity in arts, entertainment, and recreation. Tucson tied Colorado Springs for 9th out of the 12 western metropolitan areas tracked on the Dashboard in per...
Tucson’s patent rate rose by 126% during the past 16 years, far surpassing the U.S. and the state of Arizona. The Tucson Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) ranked 4th out of 12 comparable western MSAs with 17.4 patents per 10,000 workers...
In 2014, the Tucson Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) ranked ninth out of 12 comparable western MSAs in the labor force participation rate for the working age population (25-54). The labor force participation rate of 80.0% in 2014 was a 2.4...
In 2015, the Tucson Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) ranked second out of 12 comparable western MSAs in air quality. Tucson’s daily air quality was rated “good” 78.6% of the time. Phoenix was last among the 12 western metropolitan areas, with...
Job growth is a key measure of a local economy’s overall performance. Increasing employment tends to drive reduced unemployment and higher income growth. It can also lead to improved prosperity, particularly when the new jobs pay above average wages. In...
Choice of college major can have a profound impact on employability and earning potential throughout the course of one’s career. The distribution of college majors in a region can also affect location decisions of firms eager to capitalize on a...
State of the Economy in Tucson, Arizona MSA The Tucson metropolitan area continued to expand in 2015, adding jobs, residents and income. That's the good news. Click the link below to read the full article. View Article
While there’s much to celebrate in the gastronomic world of Tucson lately, there’s also a lot of work to do and that doesn’t just mean giving money to your new favorite restaurant. After all, many of those pioneering autonomous organizations...