Youth Disconnection in Arizona

Beatriz Del Campo-Carmona, Research Economist

Pinpoint Shadow  Youth Disconnection in Tucson, Arizona MSA

Arizona has a high percentage of disconnected youth compared to other western states. Young people who are neither employed nor attending school are considered disconnected. Included are teenagers in the age range of 16–19 and young adults from 20-24. The term “opportunity youth” is another name used interchangeably for disconnected youth. The report “Disconnected geography: A spatial analysis of disconnected youth in the United States” concluded that a large group of young people at risk of becoming disconnected are those who need additional social support, including those with disabilities, learning needs, language/communication disorders, and a broad spectrum of those identified with social/emotional needs, individuals whose first language is not the language commonly used in the state or who are not bilingual, and young asylum seekers who lack cultural and social capital.

In 2022, 6.9% of U.S. teenagers between 16 and 19 years old were neither working nor in school. That represented 1.22 million young Americans. Arizona had a disconnection rate of 8.4%, the third highest among the 10 western states. New Mexico posted the highest youth disconnection rate at 10.0%, while Utah had the lowest at only 6.0%. Compared to 12 peer western Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), Tucson was near the middle of the pack, with 7.5% of its youth considered disconnected. Figure 1 shows the youth disconnection rate for select states and MSAs.

Figure 1: Youth Disconnection Rates by State and MSAs (16-19 Years Old ) 2022

The youth disconnection rate rises when we extend the range to 18 to 24 years old. According to the NCES (National Center for Education Statistics), in 2022, the percentage of young adults in this age range who were neither enrolled in school nor working in the U.S. was 13.1%. In contrast, the 2015 youth disconnection rate was 14.8%, indicating a decrease of nearly two percentage points over a period of seven years. This translates to approximately 70,000 more young individuals gaining access to opportunities that lead to a more promising and independent future.

Why is it important?

Disconnection from the educational system and labor market during these age ranges might be discouraging and harmful to young adults. Research from The Social Science Journal in 2019 shows that youth disconnection has profound negative consequences for substance use, mental health, and later life earnings.

Youth disconnection is a strong indicator of a community’s potential and a barometer of its residents’ access to opportunity. It correlates with a region’s well-being and the nation’s economy. The cost of youth disconnection for society was estimated by Measure of America, a program of the Social Science Research Council, which concluded in a recent report that if the total number of disconnected youth were reconnected, the federal government would receive an estimated additional $55 billion in tax revenue per year; that’s $11,900 per year per reconnected individual.

Additionally, another recent Measure of America report, found that disconnection is correlated with lower incomes, higher unemployment rates, poverty, worse health condition, and an increased likelihood of relying on government support, and engaging in criminal activity.

Earning a high school diploma or alternative credentials is a proven, first step towards a prosperous future, as shown by the strong correlation between higher education and job security in Updates on Tucson’s labor market article (see Figure 5).

How do we compare?

According to the NCES, in in 2022 the overall “status dropout rate” (defined as the percentage of 16- to 24-year-olds who are not enrolled in high school and lack a high school credential) for the U.S. was 5.3%.

From 2010 to 2022, the status dropout rate in the United States witnessed a decrease in all age groups, except for 16-year-olds, who experienced a marginal increase of 0.1 percentage points. Among the age groups, the most significant decline was observed for 20-to-24-year-olds, with the status dropout rate decreasing from 10.6% in 2010 to 6.4% in 2022. Following closely behind were the 19-year-olds, with a difference of 3.5 percentage points. Figure 2 illustrates the national status dropout rates by age between 2010 and 2022.

Figure 2: National Status Dropout Rates of 16-To-24-Year-Olds, by Age: 2010 and 2022

In 2022, girls and young women in the U.S. were less likely to be disconnected than boys and young males, with 6.2% and 7.6% disconnection rates, respectively. The state of Idaho posted the largest difference in youth disconnection rates by gender. For those aged 16-19, the youth disconnection rate for males was 7.9%, while the rate for females was substantially lower at 4.8%. The state of Arizona followed a similar trend, with a youth disconnection rate of 8.8% for males and 7.9% for females.

In all peer metropolitan areas, females had lower disconnection rates compared to males, with exception of the Colorado Springs MSA. In this MSA, the disconnection rate for females was 7.4%, while males had a rate of 6.1%. The Salt Lake City MSA exhibited the widest gap among peer MSAs in favor of females (2.4 percentage point difference), indicating that the latter were significantly less disconnected than males. Figure 3 displays the youth disconnection by gender (U.S., Arizona, and MSAs).

Figure 3: Youth Disconnection Rates by Gender: U.S, States, and MSAs (16-19 Years Old ) 2022

The rates of disconnected youth vary by race and ethnicity across the country. As of 2021, Native American youth had the highest disconnection rate at 23.5 percent, surpassing all other major racial and ethnic groups in the United States. The state of New Mexico, with a reported rate of disconnection of 35.2% among young Native Americans, was the highest in the nation. This was followed by Arizona (27.6%) and Washington (25.5%). Black/African American teens and young adults had the second-highest disconnection rate in the U.S. at 18.9%. Nevada posted the highest rate of youth disconnection among Blacks/African Americans at 27.3%, and Arizona the lowest at 10.6%.

Of all the geographies observed on the MAP, the state of Oregon was the only one to report higher rates of youth disconnection for white, non-Hispanic youth (14.4%) compared to young Hispanics and Latinos (11.5%). In the case of the MAP western MSAs, only Portland had higher rates of youth disconnection for white, non-Hispanic youth (13.6%) than young Hispanics and Latinos (9.6%).

The state of New Mexico reported the largest gap between these two groups, at 6.6 percentage points higher disconnection for young Hispanics and Latinos over white, non-Hispanic. Washington posted the smallest gap with only a 0.6 percentage point difference. Among tracked western MSAs, Tucson posted the largest gap between these two groups (10.1 percentage point difference), and Phoenix had the smallest gap (2.5 percentage point difference). Figure 4 shows the youth disconnection rate by race (U.S., states, and MSAs).

Figure 4: Youth Disconnection Rates by Race: U.S., States, and MSAs (16-24 Years Old ) 2021

One consequence of youth disconnection is an increased probability of currently or eventually living in poverty. According to "Data for Persons Defined as Disadvantaged Youth and Adults (2016-2020)" by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U.S. Department of Labor, the rate of 16- to 21-year-olds living in poverty or earning less than 70% of the Lower Living Standard Income Level in the U.S. was 10.4%. Among western states, Utah posted the largest percentage of youth living in poverty at 13.5%, Nevada posted the smallest at 8.7%, and Arizona was in the middle of the range at 10.4% (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Poverty Rates for the Disconnected Youth Population (2016-2020)

Among young workers aged 14 to 24 in Tucson, 30.8% worked in the accommodation and food services sector during 2022. That was higher than the state (27.9%) and the U.S. (25.1%). An additional 20.4% worked in the retail sector. The health care and social assistance sector represented 11.8% of jobs held by Tucson’s 14- to 24-year -olds. The percentage of youth workers employed in the Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services sector was considerably higher in Arizona and the Tucson MSA, at 7.7% and 7.3% respectively, compared to the U.S. (6.4%). Figure 6 highlights the share of employment for younger workers in Tucson by industry. Click on the drop-down menu to view Arizona or the U.S.

Figure 6: Employment Sectors for Younger Workers Age 14 to 24 (2022)

As illustrated in Figure 7, the prevalence of disconnected youth decreased between 2010 and 2015 for all western states and in seven of the 12 MSAs. During the 2015 to 2022 timeframe, disconnection rates among western states continued to decline, and only New Mexico posted a slightly increase from 9.9% to 10.0%.

The disconnected youth rate for Arizona decreased from 10.7% to 8.4% between 2010 and 2022, while nationally the rate declined from 8.2% to 6.9%. The Las Vegas MSA reported a substantial decrease in disconnected youth between 2010 and 2022, dropping from 13.2% to 10.4%. The Tucson MSA also posted a decrease in disconnected youth from 8.8% to 7.5% within the same period. On the other hand, the Albuquerque and Colorado Springs MSAs reported a marginal difference of 0.1 percentage points between 2010 and 2022.

Figure 7: Youth Disconnection Rates Trend, 16-19 Years Old (2010-2022)

Since 2010, the youth unemployment rate in Arizona fell quicker than the national rate until 2017, when both met at 9.2%. In early 2020, during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, the youth unemployment rate grew abruptly by 6.7 percentage points nationally (up to 15.1%) and by 6.2 percentage points in Arizona (up to 15.4%) relative to late 2019. The youth unemployment rate rapidly declined to pre-pandemic levels nationally and in Arizona between 2020 and 2021 to respective rates of 9.7% and 8.7%. That marked the first time in 11 years that the youth unemployment rate in Arizona was lower than the national average. In 2022, the rate of youth unemployment in Arizona increased by 0.2 percentage points, while the national rate dropped by 1.6 percentage points. Figure 8 highlights the youth unemployment rate trends in the U.S. and Arizona (2010-2022).

Figure 8: Youth Unemployment Rate Age 16 to 24 (2010-2022)

What's Next?

Since the Great Recession, states and local governments have expanded their efforts to develop programs to serve disconnected youth. One example is the Opportunity Youth Forum (OYF), a program of the Aspen Institute, whose mission is to improve the success and well-being of youth through increased education and workforce attainment. The OYF is a network of place-based urban, suburban, rural and tribal community collaboratives, all working to improve outcomes for youth. Among those member communities, Youth on the Rise (YOTR) is leading the way in helping young adults attain important life outcomes in Pima County. One of its projects is the YOTR re-engagement app, which provides a guide for youth to navigate services, resources, and other information, and can be personalized by age (16-24), gender, and Zip code. The last 10 years in the state of Arizona and in the Tucson MSA have been marked by a significant decrease in youth disconnection, and these community incentives are a mechanism to continue improving this critical indicator.