In 2014, Arizona ranked 20th among the 50 states in well-being. Alaska ranked first and West Virginia ranked last, according to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. Among comparison states in the West, Arizona ranked above Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Nevada, but below California, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado. Arizona’s ranking in 2014 was down slightly, from 19th in 2013.
The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index is based on survey responses of residents and captures how they feel about their daily lives. The Index disaggregates across five dimensions: Purpose, Social, Financial, Community, and Physical. The Purpose dimension measures the degree to which respondents like what they do each day and how motivated they feel to achieve goals. The Social dimension captures supportive relationships and love in the lives of respondents. The Financial dimension reflects respondents’ economic lives, while the Community dimension captures perceptions about the community, including safety and price of place. The Physical dimension reflects respondents’ perceptions of health.

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